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Trucks For Sale

We have refrigerated and regular truck rental services...

KAR-MAN TRANS ULUS.TAŞ.TRZ. VE GID. MAD.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. ıt was established in 2001 to operate in the transportation sector, headquartered in Hatay. The company, which expanded its fleet by obtaining the c2 authorization certificate in 2003, served mainly on the European route with fully self-owned vehicles. The company, which has been operating in this sector until 2011, has entered the buying and selling of 2nd Hand Trucks in order to keep up with the changing market conditions since this year and has completely stopped transportation organizations in the middle of 2012.

ın a short time in the hand market, it has managed to make a name for itself with the reputation and trust it has gained in the transportation sector. Continuing to grow with its ever-increasing customer portfolio, the company supplies its customers with the vehicle they want in the shortest time and with the most economical solution.

​Providing plenty of options to its customers with its wide vehicle portfolio, KAR-MAN also provides the necessary support to its customers after sales and deals with the problems they encounter.

karman tır pazarı


Brands we sell new and second hand